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Let us share what God has done and proclaim His greatness.

ONE Testimony by Rev. Gloria AuYeung

Beautiful testimony by Rev. Gloria how ONE2020 Campaign blessed her family and her ministries’ networks. Rev. Gloria and her family serve faithfully at Grace Church, Kingdom Harvest Ministries and NW House of Prayer. She is also the founder of the city-wide Gideon’s Army of Prayer. To learn more about the Gideon Army, press here to visit website.

ONE Testimony by a Retired Cleaning Worker

Gark Mui is a retired cleaning worker living on Lantau Island. She is illiterate. Though she has believed in Christ for some time through her mother-in-law, her spiritual life is young. With the help of Sister Angela, who introduces to her the ONE App, accompanies her to read the bible and pray with her every day, Gark Mui has tremendous growth in the Lord. Let’s listen to what she said. “The Lord is so good to me. He saves me and lifts me up from despair. I listen to His word every morning and count HIS blessings when I walk out to the farm. HE is such a wonderful and beautiful God!” We are delighted to hear Gark Mui’s testimony, but the most important lesson is to show our care to the people around us. We may not know them well but share with them God’s words. Make them disciples of Christ.

ONE Testimony by a Car Park Security Guard

“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose” (Isaiah 55:11 (ESV))

ONE Testimony by Agnes Chiang

Summary of Agnes Chiang’s testimony as she listened to God’s word using ONE App.  On 1st March, Agnes scheduled an online meeting with a lady friend. The friend worshipped gods but she is not a Christian. After listening to Matthew Chapter 5 from ONE App, Agnes wanted to read Matthew Chapter 5 with the friend. The friend turned her Bible front and back, she could find Matthew Chapters 4 and 6, but not Chapter 5. Agnes immediately prayed with her friend for God’s help. Right afterward, the friend could see Matthew Chapter 5 in the bible right in front of her. As a result, the friend believed our God is real, and accepted Agnes’ invitation to accept Jesus as her Lord. Praise the Lord.

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